307 PRINT"Speak-It alows you to manipulate";CR$;"all the variables involved in";CR$;"generating speech with your Amiga."
310 PRINT"It includes ten storage memories to";CR$;"store phoneme strings in so you can";CR$;"compare alternate implementations.";CR$
313 Print"The system prompt is a carret >";CR$;CR$;"Type a line of text followed by a";CR$;"carriage return (CR) to have it"
316 PRINT"translated and spoken.";CR$
319 PRINT"Type[ % phoneme string CR ] to speak";CR$;"the string exactly as input.";CR$
322 PRINT"Type ALT{Q} CR to exit to ABasiC.";CR$
325 PRINT"Press any key to continue."
334 PRINT"To alter the values in the array that";CR$;"controls the manner of speaking, type";CR$;"the commands below, followed by CR."
337 PRINT"{XY} means type the characters XY";CR$;"with the ALT key depressed.";CR$
340 PRINT" {P} To adjust the Pitch";CR$;" {I} To alter the Inflection"
343 PRINT" {R} To adjust the rate";CR$;" {V} To alter the Voice"
346 PRINT" {T} To adjust the Tuning";CR$;" {VU} To adjust the VolUme"
349 PRINT" {CH} To select the CHannel";CR$;" {M} To select the Mode"
352 PRINT" {C} To select the Control mode";CR$;CR$;" {ED} To activate the phoneme editor"
353 PRINT" {??} To get editor instructions";CR$;CR$;" {?} To get these instructions";CR$
356 PRINT"Press any key to continue."
365 PRINT"To store the current phoneme string";CR$;"in one of the ten memories, type"
368 PRINT"{Mn},{.n},or{-n} followed by CR or";CR$;"ENTER, where n is a digit from 0 to 9";CR$
371 PRINT"To recall and speak one of the";CR$;"phoneme memories, type {n} followed"
374 PRINT"by CR or ENTER, where n is a digit";CR$;"from 0 to 9. The current phoneme";CR$;"string is lost.";CR$
377 PRINT"If the phoneme string has been edited";CR$;"after it was translated from the text"
380 PRINT"string, the text string is shown in";CR$;INVERSE(1);"inverse video";CR$
383 PRINT"The speaking manner argument array";CR$;"values are shown in ";INVERSE(1);"inverse video"
386 PRINT"if they are not the default values";CR$;CR$;"Press any key to continue."
400 getkey X$
410 return
502 PRINT"The Phoneme Editor alows you to edit";CR$;"the current phoneme string in order";CR$;"to improve the pronunciation.";CR$
504 PRINT"The string is displayed along with a";CR$;"cursor (^) that indicates the present";CR$;"editing point.";CR$
506 PRINT"The editing mode that is in effect is";CR$;"shown at the bottom of the screen,";CR$;"along with any characters to be";CR$;"inserted or deleted.";CR$
508 PRINT"In the editor, the commands take";CR$;"effect immediately, without having to";CR$;"press CR. RETURN is a command that"
510 PRINT"causes the editing action you have";CR$;"specified to modify the string.";CR$
512 PRINT"Press any key to continue"
520 PRINT"{XY} means type the characters XY";CR$;"with the ALT key depressed";CR$
521 PRINT"{Q} To exit to the main menu"
522 PRINT"Use the left and right cursor control";CR$;" keys <- -> to move the cursor"
525 PRINT"BACKSPACE to back-up when editing"
527 PRINT"DEL To enter the Delete mode. Then";CR$;" use DEL or -> to lengthen the";CR$;" string to be deleted by RETURN"
530 PRINT"{I} To enter the Insert mode. The";CR$;" string shown at the bottom of";CR$;" the screen will be inserted";CR$;" before the character indicated"
532 PRINT" by the cursor by pressing RETURN"
535 PRINT"{R} To enter the Replace mode. The";CR$;" string shown at the bottom of the";CR$;" screen will replace the same"
537 PRINT" number of characters, starting";CR$;" at the cursor, by pressing RETURN";CR$
539 PRINT"Press any key to continue"
543 PRINT"ESC If you make an error in editing";CR$;" to get back the previous version"
546 PRINT"{n} Where n is a digit from 0 to 9";CR$;" to recall and speak the string";CR$;" stored in phoneme memory #n. The"
549 PRINT" current string is lost. If you";CR$;" press multiple {n}s, they will";CR$;" stack up and be spoken in"
551 PRINT" sequence, as determined by the";CR$;" designated synchronization mode"
554 PRINT"{Mn},{.n},or{-n} Where n is a digit";CR$;" from 0 to 9 to store the current";CR$;" phoneme string in memory #n"
555 PRINT"{?} To get these instructions";CR$
557 PRINT"You cannot alter the speaking manner";CR$;"argument array from the editor";CR$